PPL Ground School Schedule, Denmark
Here you will find the dates and times for the upcoming PPL and NF ground school sessions as well as radio telephony courses held in Denmark. For passing the theoretical PPL training, you’ll need to attend one of each session, but it does not matter in which order. The language of each session will be Danish.
We will do our utmost not to change the dates published on this page with anything less than four (4) months’ notice.
Please contact us for details about the possibilities for theoretical training in Aalborg in Danish! In any case, you have the option of taking the theoretical training in English (delivered by FI.ATO.2016, our Finland organisation) without actually travelling to Finland — the study is home study, the Ground Schools can be attended by video, and the mandatory school exams we’ll organise in Aalborg for you.
See the schedule for the virtual Ground Schools in English here.
Please contact us for details about the possibilities for theoretical training in Roskilde in Danish! In any case, you have the option of taking the theoretical training in English (delivered by FI.ATO.2016, our Finland organisation) without actually travelling to Finland — the study is home study, the Ground Schools can be attended by video, and the mandatory school exams we’ll organise in Roskilde for you.
See the schedule for the virtual Ground Schools in English here.
Virtual Attendance and Sessions in English
Non-Danish speakers please refer to the Ground School schedules in English provided by our Finland ATO, here. The Distance-Learning PPL Theory package offered by our Finland ATO further has the benefit of virtual, interactive attendance being possible in the Ground Schools.
If you are not able to attend a particular ground school session physically but can devote the time, your undivided attention and have a suitable high-speed internet connection, on our Finland theory courses you can ask for the possibility to follow the tuition remotely and interactively via a teleconferencing platform. You will still need to do the school exams physically at one of our locations, but they can be arranged quite flexibly at any of our office locations. Since 2020 we will now even have the possibility of receiving candidates at our premises in Denmark for the purposes of sitting the Finland CAA (Traficom) exams at the end, in English, although this option is seldom used as our students can sit the exams with the Danish CAA (Trafikstyrelsen).